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An Exciting Career, a Rewarding Experience!

Quebec faculties of medicine have a spot reserved for you!

Are you thinking about a career in medicine? Regardless of your age or place of residence, the Quebec First Nations and Inuit Faculties of Medicine Program (QFNIFMP) is open to all First Nations and Inuit applicants in Quebec. 

The QFNIFMP provides a unique structure for accessing medical studies. 

By encouraging and supporting the training of new First Nations and Inuit physicians, the Program promotes the development of a medical workforce that can make a positive contribution to health-related challenges and issues facing First Nations and Inuit in Quebec.

Medicine, a Choice for the Future!

There are many career options in the healthcare field and there is a high demand for qualified personnel among the First Nations and Inuit. So, choosing to undergo medical training opens the door to a multitude of specializations and workplaces. 

After your training is complete, you can work as a family physician or practice your profession in the specialization of your choice.

Become a role model by:

Four Faculties, 9 campus

The Program grants ten spots annually to First Nations and Inuit students in one of four faculties of medicine in Quebec. Each has a unique approach, program and setting. Once admitted, a student can choose the study environment that best corresponds to their aspirations and needs!  

Which campus is the most suited to you?

Would you rather live an urban lifestyle or be closer to the land? Would you rather be in a small or large group of students? Each campus is different and has various options to suit your lifestyle.

Your University Career

Admitted students integrate into the usual training structure, that is to say, you take the same courses, take the same exams and meet the same requirements as all other medical students, but you will also benefit from personalized accompaniment and mentorship from the beginning to the end of your studies until you receive your diploma. 

An undergraduate medical degree will allow you to gain high-level clinical, interpersonal and professional skills. 

Each university offers specific programs. They range in length from four to five years, depending on the student’s path.

Personalized Support and Accompaniment

Each student admitted through the Program receives accompaniment tailored to their needs:

Regional medical staffing plans: return to your roots

Through its regional medical staffing plans (RMSP), the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux in Quebec works with the Program to enable new First Nations and Inuit physicians to practice in communities in Quebec after they finish their residency. 

Graduates who want to practice in a community should apply for a RMSP in medicine before completing their studies.

We will keep you informed of upcoming admissions

Whatever your age, it’s never too early or too late. Leave us your contact information and we will keep you informed of upcoming admissions to the QFNIFMP.

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admission programme médicine